
Hey WCCC interns, this is for you!

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Life Change

Hi guys,

Okay I finally figured out how to post a comment on this site. I seriously am so tech. challenged:)
I still live in CA, but I know live in Souther Cal. I live on the border of LA and love it. I never thought I would move to LA, but I left my RD job this last July on principal and moved down to So Cal to start a Master's program. Since then a lot has changed.
Looking back I think the Masters just got me down to So Cal. My first week here I stated goin to Mosaic. It is church like I have never seen it done, but always knew it could be. I fell in love with the heart of this church and the movement that was taking place. I was serving in some random capacities, but I was also working 5 jobs trying to survive down here as well as sinking deeper and deeper into this depression that I was so afraid of. Things were spiraling in a many ways, but I loved being a part of this church. It is the thing that kept me alive down here...literally. There were many weeks I would say just make it to Sunday Dana and you will get to go to Mosaic. Isn't this what church is supposed to be for people? I was just sitting on the other side of church...just a regular attender.

In January I started working with Kim McManus in Women't ministry as the intern (I know how long can you be intern in life?) But I had to be in the church again. I was frozen in depression and despair and didn't know what else to do. I was doing this still working random jobs because it wasn't paid at Mosaic. I did everything from cleaning houses to being a personal trainer at Ballys Total Fitness. It was crazy. In March one of the Lead Team asked me to come on as his assistant. I had to laugh a little, but I ended up taking it. You see Mosaic doesn't hire from the outside, they hire those already serving and on character. So I have been working full time at Mosaic and feel like my heart is at peace. I love the church...there is nothing like the local church when the local church is working right:) Okay seriously though all kidding aside, I really feel called to Christ and second to building his church. I really don't think I would have ever gone back into church ministry if God didn't kind of sneak me back in. And for His amazing sovereignty I am so thankful. Plus I just love living in such a spirtually searching area. I have had the privilege of leading 5 people to Christ in the last couple of months. Plus I live by Disneyland! I have a season pass and love it more now then when I was a kid:) My secret dream is to be a princess at Disneyland:)

I also am in a relationship with a guy that completley caught me off guard (which is I guess how it usually happens:) I was belaboring to the Lord the day before I met him how I just haven't liked anyone really. I dated one guy last year that ended in disaster and humiliation (he moved across the country to live in my town and then dumped me the next huh? Talk about healing from that one...very long process) Anyway I never had that "I can't imagine not being friends with this person feeling" He unfortunately lives in Nashville right now doing a Mosaic out there. We will see where it goes....but I sure hope it continues to go. He does life faster and is more social and I kid you not talks more than me:)

If any of you every head out to LA please call and know you have a free place to stay and tour guide that will take you where ever you want to go!

Thanks John for putting this together it is so fun to get caught up!


At 3:42 PM, Shane Tucker said...

Dana it's great to catch up on a little bit of your life after so many years! Mosaic sounds like a 'God-thing' for you. I'm glad there is someone else I know living in So Cal so I have even more reason to visit! My sister, Shannon, just moved to La Mesa near San Diego a few weeks ago. I'll get there someday - but til then - rise up Ireland!


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